



1. 基本情况:


2.       科研:


3.  教学


4. 近三年发表代表性论文(截止至20222月)

1. Li C, Huang B, Zhang YW. Chinese Herbal Medicine for the Treatment of Depression: Effects on the Neuroendocrine-Immune Network. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 14(1):65 (2021)

2. Li C, Huang J, Cheng YC, Zhang YW. Traditional Chinese Medicine in Depression Treatment: From Molecules to Systems. Front Pharmacol.11:586 (2020)

3. Chan Li, Genghong Tu, Chaohua Luo, Youli Guo, Miao Fang, Chen Zhu, Hancheng Li, Jinying Ou, Yuting Zhou, Wei Liu, Ken Kin Lam Yung, Zhixian Mo. Effects of rhynchophylline on the hippocampal miRNA expression profile in ketamine-addicted rats. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. 86: 379-389 (2018).

4. Manoela V. Fogaça, Ming Wu, Chan Li, Xiao-yuan Li, Marina R. Picciotto, Ronald S. Duman. Inhibition of GABA interneurons in the mPFC is sufficient and necessary for rapid antidepressant responses. Mol Psychiatry. 2020.

5.Huang B, Liu H, Wu Y, Li C, Tang Q, Zhang YW. Two lignan glycosides from Albizia julibrissin Durazz. noncompetitively inhibit serotonin transporter. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 15, 344 (2022)